The new WHO Pandemic AgreementSo far, the WHO may only make recommendations. But now, with the comprehensive revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and aPandemic Agreement, the WHO wants to equip itself with extensive executive power.However, it was not only with the so-called "Corona pandemic" that it became apparent that the WHO had long since negative-developed into a highlycorrupt organization that only pursues economic interests and ideological purposes, that deliberately produces and spreads lies and fake news andcombats the scientific integrity and truth-finding.As of June 2023:The terms of content of these agreements are currently being negotiated. Both agreements are negotiated in parallel. These agreements should beadopted and ratified by May 2024 and then come into force. The Pandemic Treaty has to be approved and ratified by the parliaments of the memberstates. The Health Regulations (IHR) are not subject to this procedure, but as a member state one have to object to them within 10 months of beingadopted by the WHO General Assembly, otherwise its are deemed to have been accepted and are then obligatory and binding.To date, around 2/3 of the member states have pledged their full support for these treaties, especially the countries in which the pharmaceuticalindustry is most strongly represented with its company headquarters and production sites, so the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and,in general, the European Union. Germany, for example, has ceded the sole negotiating powers to the European Commission.The current treaty drafts formulate, among other things:The exclusive administration of the ineffective and, above all, extremely health-damaging to life-threatening mRNA gene therapeutics to every person,i.e. also to babies, small children and pregnant women, should be binding mandatory (General obligatory vaccination!)!Older people should always be vaccinated every three months!Only the WHO defines what a disease is and what is declared to a disease or pandemic!Only the WHO alone determines normative which measures, prophylaxis, medical treatment methods and drugs are to be implemented, practiced andadministered, all alternatives are prohibited!The evaluation of measures as well as drug safety and liability claims are abolished! The approval procedures should be significantly shortened and theapproval conditions/criteria reduced! - (Addendum September 2023: In the meantime, the vaccine manufacturers have adapted and converted allvaccines to the mRNA technology! And in the USA and Canada, the mRNA gene therapeutics are now approved without any examination and tests,immediately after the completion!)The status "Unvaccinated" should be classified as a disease because the unvaccinated person should always be regarded as a health and safety risk,with the corresponding restrictions on the freedom of travel and movement, including mandatory quarantine (Obligation to present the „digital proofof health”!)!All health and movement data of every citizen should be allowed to be exchanged between the member states and be centralised collected and storedin a central database!With the redefinition of the "pandemic", every cold and catarrh can now be declared to a pandemic, to a so-called „state of health emergency ofinternational concern“ and a corresponding compulsory vaccination and measures program can be mandatory as binding!The human dignity and rights will be abolished! The fundamental and freedom rights of the individual person as well as the society should be allowedto be restricted by the WHO, or should these restrictions even be prioritised! Contact tracking and censorship are binding mandatory, only the languageregime and regulation officially specified by the WHO may be used!All contraventions should be prosecuted! According to the WHO, for example, criticism on the mRNA gene therapeutics should be punished with 4 - 8years in prison, even if it is scientifically and evidence-based correct and therefore legitimate and above all necessary!For the monitoring of all communication a separate authority is to be set up, which will maintain a branch in every member state! In addition, a kindof “WHO representative” should be installed at government level in every member state, who is to monitor and executive control the implementationof all measures!If a member state refuses the guidelines, it should be pilloried in the public and the media and disciplined by the decoupling from the global financierstructures, such as from the World Bank and the IMF, as well as by bans on entry and leaving the country from the outside world be cut off!Furthermore, the so-called "One Health Concept" should be introduced as binding! This means that the nature and the animals are also included in thehealth and risk assessment. This means that if, for example, an epidemic that is limited only to animals should break out, not only the animals, butalso all humans should always be "vaccinated" against this epidemic with appropriate mRNA gene therapeutics, although there is no animal-to-humantransmission!The climate change should also be included in this “One Health Concept”. The climate change should be defined as the greatest health risk of all.In practice, this means that the WHO can then attribute every weather event to climate change and can then determine not only restrictive measuresincluding lockdowns, but also the energy, agricultural and nutrition policy as well as the services of general interest of the member states! - (AddendumSeptember 2023: In the future, the WHO wants to attribute many diseases to the climate change and then treat them with mRNA gene therapeutics!These “treatments” should of course be binding mandatory!)The One Health Concept represents the ideology that the human fundamentally pose a threat to the health of the earth and that therefore the entirehuman existence as well as all human life must be transformed in such a way that the human can no longer pose a threat to the environment. And sohere are only measures propagated that are directed against the humans, against the life and against the human development. Therefore, the OneHealth Concept represents an inhumane ideology that essentially wants to abolish the human!Likewise, the so-called "Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD)", also known as chronic diseases, are to be redefined and placed under the sole control andtreatment of the WHO! For example, alcoholism and obesity should be defined as chronic diseases! In practice, this means that the WHO can not onlydetermine and prescribe the treatment and medication, but also the lifestyle of those affected as binding!Furthermore, the bioweapons research, the so-called "Gain-of-Function research", should be legalized, expanded and promoted! Just a reminder: TheSARS-CoV-2 virus, also called COVID-19 virus, is a product of this Gain-of-Function research! And also the bird flu virus, the H5N1 virus, has also beengenetically modified as a part of the Gain-of-Function research so that it can now be transmitted to the humans!Moreover, the concept of “Sexual Health of the Child” should be introduced in a binding manner! This concept claims that even babies are sexual beingsand have their own sexuality, which must be lived out for the health of the child. And so this concept prescribes that children should be taught sexualpractices, such as masturbation, touching each other and penetration as well as sexual intercourse, with each other or with adults, in practical lessonsas early as in the kindergarten as well as in the school! This means in practice the sexualization of the child as early as in the kindergarten and schoolas well as the legalization of the pedophilia! (“Children must have sexual partners!” a WHO and UN declaration)The sole decision-making power should be concentrated to the Secretary General of the WHO! This means that only one democratically not legitimizedperson decides on all these issues!These agreements should be anchored in international law!Summary:Due to the structural construction and the resulting decision-making power as well as the financing of the already highly corrupt WHO, these treatiesopen the door to arbitrariness as well as to rampant corruption and puts capital interests first, especially those of the pharmaceutical industry and itsinvestors, such as Blackrock and Vanguard! Its mean the centralizing and thus concentration of executive power on an unprecedented scale and termi-nated the sovereignty of the member states over health issues!No checks and balances bodies, instruments and options are provided for in these treaties at all, or are a priori prohibited!These treaties should to be anchored in international law, which means that thus the contents of these treaties are binding for all member states andare above the laws and constitutions of the member states! And with that, there is no more constitutional and democratic control as well as no moreconstitutional and democratic access!By the sole control of informations on health issues by the WHO, alternative points of view, the freedom of expression, opinion and speech, the freedomof press, the academic freedom and, above all, the finding and establishment of the truth are suppressed!By the comprehensive data exchange and the centralization of all health and movement data of every citizen as well as the binding precept of measuresand treatment methods, these treaties mean in practice the total surveillance and the total power and control over the body of the individual personas well as the abolition of the self-determination, if not to say the abolition of the individual and thus of the individual person, its mean the start of thetranshumanist world dictatorship! Because with these treaties, completely detached purely technocratic structures, without connection on the and feed-back with the people, should decide what is good and right for all of the humanity and what is not! And, because with these treaties should to beestablish a purely mechanistic concept of the human on a global level, that negates the actual natural and universal nature of the human, such as thebody-soul-mind unity, the human soul and consciousness faculties, the ability for self-reference, self-reflection and self-determination, the free will,the ability for knowledge and awareness and inner further development, the harmony with the nature as well as also the immune system! Therefore,these treaties constitute a crime against the democracy and, above all, against the humankind!Furthermore, these treaties violate the universal law of diversity and further development! Because a positive further development basically alwaysresults from diversity. But with these treaties, however, a monoculture is established, and a monoculture, also basically always, means standstill andultimately the death.Overall, these treaties mean the establishment of a global health dictatorship!Here the International Health Regulations (IHR) from 2005, which are still valid in 2023, as PDF file! >>Here the planned alterations of the International Health Regulations (IHR) as PDF file - Version 1.0! >>And here the summarization of these alterations of the International Health Regulations as PDF file! >>Here the WHO Pandemic Treaty Draft (CA+) from 02. June 2023 as PDF file! >>And here the WHO Pandemic Agreement Draft from 16. October 2023 as PDF file! >>And here the comparison of the bureau text and the negotiating text of the Pandemic Agreement as PDF file (As of 16. October 2023)! >>Personal comment:Based on what can be seen in the astral and in the astral bodies of those involved, it must be stated that with these treaties, which are directed againstthe people, the life and the love like no other, here really "the evil", represented by our depraved, lying, criminal, wicked and highly corrupt, so unprin-cipled political and economic elites, accompanied by a cartel of silence of the in the meantime also lying, corrupt and unprincipled mainstream media,wants to achieve the world domination in a final coup d`etat. These treaties can hardly be surpassed in terms of contempt for mankind!As already with the subject of "climate", here also with the subject of "health" is trying to install a totalitarian world system that will neither save theclimate nor will serve the health and certainly not the people, but only serves the interests of a small financial elite, the ideas of a small, bossy powerelite consisting of completely antisocial, sociopathic and unscrupulous persons.„The evil“ therefore, because one have to understand these treaties as a building block of an overall project. The so-called „energy change“ and the so-called „green or climate transformation“, which, so as its are designed, mean in practice a gigantic redistribution from bottom to top, the total digitalsurveillance, the abolition of the freedom of opinion and speech, the persecution and existential destruction of critics and dissidents, the Central BankDigital Currency (CBDC), the abolition of the democracy and the shifting and concentration of executive power to democratically not legitimized non-governmental organizations, the destruction of the natural, such as the agriculture, and its replacement by artificial, the reduction of the population,the “One Health Concept”, which leads in its logical consequence into the transhumanism, the destruction of the nuclear family and the shifting of thechildren's education from the parents to the state, the sexualization of the children and the legalization of pedophilia (Pedophilia, the lifestyle of thepower elites!), and these agreements, behind all this are the same actors.It is not just about the implementing of a specific ideology, but about a seizure of power, about the total power, about the installing of a systemthat wants to control and determine really every area of life and to eliminate all freedom!And above all therefore "the evil", because here is made the attempt deliberately and with full intention to erase the knowledge about the actual uni-versal natures and functionings that already exists in the common knowledge, as well as, to break the people as early as in the childhood so that theyare docile and governable and do not even grow up into strong, self-confident, self-determined, independent and calm adults!PS: This is consistent with the following two news from June 2023: The world's worst dictatorship, North Korea, has now been admitted to the ExecutiveCommittee of the WHO. If these treaties come into force, North Korea will then have unrestricted access to all movement and health data of everycitizen of every member state!And 2.: The WHO, in cooperation with the European Commission, wants to make a valid digital vaccination certificate mandatory for every type of travel,regardless of this pandemic treaty and, above all, regardless of whether an actual pandemic even exists or not!Important information (PDF file)! >>Here a documentary about the vaccine damages caused by the mRNA gene therapeutics and how to deal with them: „The Unseen Crisis“ >>To this documentary another important information: Brazil under President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has now introduced a compulsory vaccination forbabies with the mRNA gene therapeutics. At noncompliance, the parents face hard punishments, the withdrawal of state benefits as well as the takingaway of the child by the youth welfare offices.And here a documentary to this overall issue, which one should to watch with the knowledge of the premise that the existing system, which based onexploitation and a brutal redistribution from bottom to top, and the elites who benefit from it must be preserved at all costs: To the documentary! >>To this documentary another important information: Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially practices a (fascist) eugenics policy. So thenecessary social benefits are gradually reduced to a level that it is no longer sufficient for survival. Those affected are then no longer helped, but areofficially offered the opportunity to choose the suicide. For this “self-imposed suicide” there are official facilities where one can have oneself euthanized.Here it is clearly about a reduction of the population, specifically about the reduction of those who made unproductive and superfluous by the existingsystem, so about a reduction of the pensioners, the unemployed and the poor.„A dystopian scenario!“ Citation of Judge Terry A. Doughty, United States District Court, Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division, Court Hearing:State of Missouri versus Joseph R. Biden Jr.. Court Ruling from 04. July 2023: Injunction against the President of the United States Joe Biden and hisAdministration for censorship! Here the Injunction as PDF file! >>This injunction can be appealed, which Biden's attorneys did immediately. This appeal was dismissed at first instance!Addendum, November 2023: To date, there are no real treatment methods against the vaccine damage caused by the mRNA gene therapeuticsbecause the responsible spike proteins cannot be eliminated. Now there are signs that lithium appears to be an effective antidote here. That is whythe pharmaceutical industry is feverishly researching the production of artificial lithium in order to be able to patent it profitably, because naturallithium cannot be patented. This means in practice that the people's health is first seriously damaged with the mRNA gene therapeutics, for then wantto „cure“ them again with the artificial lithium drugs. And that means a double profit, a huge, huge business, and that in turn pleases the shareholders!Addendum, December 2023: The European Commission now wants to introduce a binding “Electronic Patient Record” for every citizen of the EuropeanUnion. All health data should be collected and stored in this record. There should be no opportunity to object to this record. These health data shouldalso be passed on to the USA as well as to the pharmaceutical industry.And France under President Emmanuel Macron now wants to pass a law with which only the conventional medicine should be permitted and all alter-native treatment methods should be banned. In addition, so-called “fake news”, that is in this case any justified and correct criticism on the conventionalmedicine and its treatment methods, should be make punishable offense. Addendum: This law was passed and came into force in February 2024! InFrance this law is also called the “Pfizer law”.As of February 2024:The negotiations for these agreements, especially for the pandemic agreement, have come to a serious standstill, so that the planned timetable is ingreat jeopardy, because the countries of the so-called “Global South” reject the content of these agreements, because they have, of course, recognizedthat here is only about economic interests and the implementation of a global anti-democratic, totalitarian agenda, because the countries of the GlobalSouth now have sufficient experiences with the “West” and the “Global North”, which all are only negative.For the same reasons, these countries have also rejected the new, purely economic-liberal framework conditions that should be installed globally via theWorld Trade Organization (WTO).In addition, Donald Trump has reaffirmed that if he is elected to the US President, he will not ratify this pandemic agreement.Update May 2024:The Pandemic Agreement has failed for now!The countries of the so-called “Global South” as well as Great Britain, the Netherlands and Slovakia rejected this agreement for reasons of nationalsovereignty and self-determination.The resistance to the WHO is also growing in the USA. The federal states of Florida and Louisiana have passed laws that prohibit their state officials fromfollowing the guidelines and standards of the WHO.For the time being, the original contractual wordings on the information regime, on the design of the WHO's executive power, on the binding specifi-cations of measures, prophylaxis, medical treatment methods and medicines by the WHO and on the sanction mechanisms for non-compliance withWHO requirements have been deleted. About this should be negotiated further in so-called „subordinate specialist groups“.Whether an agreement will ever be reached here is literally up in the stars.Because of this, the USA and the European Union are now planning alternatives. The “European Union Strategy for Global Health” and the US “GlobalHealth Strategy 2024” aim to strengthen “the global health security” without having to give up the national control over the health policy. The emphasishere should be on “the strengthening of partnerships” and “the promoting of an equitable access to vaccines”, so the official political speech.How all this should be structured in terms of content and administration is still completely open.The unredacted Corona protocols of the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) from 2020 - 2023:The RKI is the German equivalent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Normally, these protocols must be published immediatelyand promptly upon request. But the RKI refused. That is why the Corona protocols had to be judicially sued under the German “Freedom of InformationAct”. Initially, these protocols were heavily redacted. Only after public pressure were these protocols now published mostly unredacted.And now, in July 2024, a whistleblower from the RKI passed on the completely unredacted RKI Corona protocols to a team of independent journalists,because he disagreed with the Corona policy and the undermining of the scientific integrity of the RKI.These RKI protocols show that the RKI knew from the beginning that the SARS-Cov-2 virus was an artificial, laboratory-created virus and came fromChina. That this corona virus was only as dangerous as a normal flu. That there will be no effective vaccination against this corona virus either, becausevaccines in corona viruses basically only cause further mutations. The RKI also knew from the beginning that the mRNA gene therapeutics have noprotective effects at all and, in addition to that, cause serious side effects. And if the RKI knew all this, then all the other officials knew it too!The RKI protocols further show that there were no scientific or other evidence-based reasons for the Corona measures, such as compulsory maskwearing, distancing rules, quarantine measures, lockdowns, travel restrictions, compulsory mass testing, 2G and 3G rules, compulsory vaccinations,booster vaccinations, school closures, the dehumanization and exclusion (“pandemic of the unvaccinated”, „Appendix of the society“) and, above all,the proclamation of a pandemic itself, but that all Corona measures were purely politically motivated.The RKI protocols only allow one conclusion: The Corona measures were the implementation of a gigantic and comprehensive social experiment!It was about exercise of power as well as the unconditional pushing through of a specific treatment method, specifically of the mRNA technology,and thus exclusively only about power political and, of course, economic interests!This conclusion is nothing new to me, because in the astral was and is all this completely to see!As I say again and again, our political and economic elites are not good persons and do not have the interests and the wellbeing of the people in mind!Update December 2024: An investigative committee initiated by the Republican Party in the USA has also found that all Corona measures and allrelated narratives were wrong!Here the Final Report as PDF file! >>Update February 2025:Donald Trump has now decreed that the USA will withdraw from the WHO, BUT in practice his political agenda means the accelerated implementationof the total digital surveillance, the further development of the mRNA technology into an individual conditioning tool as well as the merging of biologicaland digital processes, the so-called biodigital convergence, whereby the autonomy of the individual person is replaced by an overriding technology-supported control system.It turns out that the conservatives and libertarians actually do not care at all about the freedom of the individual person, but even actually advance thedigital dystopia, a fascist technocracy, accelerated and thereby practice the pure contempt for the life itself!The JEFTAThe JEFTA, the free trade agreement of Japan and the EU, came officially into full force on February 1, 2019. At this time, it was the largest free tradeagreement in the world with a market of more than 650 million people.The JEFTA treated in addition to the trade, the goods traffic and the product standards, also the entire service sector and here also all digital issuesand thus also the data protection.The JEFTA was also completely secretly negotiated and extensive research has revealed that 89% lobbyists and only 4% civil society organizationsas well as only 7% responsible politicians and competent officials were involved in the negotiation and formulating of this treaty.And while the CETA may (or was allowed) to be adopted by the national parliaments after massive protests, the JEFTA remained completely withinthe competence and responsibility of the European Commission.About the contents of treaty:While in the CETA the undemocratic "Joint Committee" was installed for the treatment of legislative proposals that could affect the content of thetreaty, in the JEFTA the so-called "transparency procedure" should be practiced.That means in practice, that in the case of legislative proposals which could affect the content of the treaty, all persons, that is, the civil societyas well as lobbyists and officials of the contracting states, are allowed to participate "voluntarily" in these legislative processes.But this "voluntariness" means in practice, that this procedure is also excluded from democratic treatment and control, which then automatically leadsto the fact that the influence by lobbyists on legislations is significantly increased.How investment protection should be treated is not yet clear! This will continue to be negotiated also after the entry into force.The EU would like to establish an International Investment Court, as in CETA, but Japan refuses it. Japan wants that these issues to be resolvedby private arbitrations. And what should happen here, if there should be no agreement here, is completely unclear.It is particularly absurd that this topic is even brought to negotiation! Because in the so-called "NAFTA 2.0", the successor free trade agreementof Canada, Mexico and the USA, a jurisdiction over investment protection was completely deleted with the reason that "the interests of the environmentand consumers are beyond the interests of investors".The official argumentation of the politics for such free trade agreements is that they provide more growth, more jobs and by that more prosperity for all.And this is to bring about official political speech, of course, also the JEFTA.But studies by the EU itself and the IMF show that this agreement can not promote growth or additional jobs, but on the contrary, the IMF studyeven thinks that this agreement "could lead to job losses".The EU Commission boasts of it proudly that for the first time ever, a commitment to the goals of the Paris Climate Adoption (COP 21) has beenformulated in this free trade agreement.But in fact, is this commitment only pure symbolism, because there is no form of legal obligation for them!Because this specific clause to the Paris Climate Adoption is formulated in the so-called "sustainability chapter", but which was excluded from thestate-to-state arbitration. And that means in practice, that there are no legal remedies and enforcement mechanisms in place to act againstinfringements of this commitment.In the European environmental and consumer protection law, the so-called "precautionary principle" applies. This principle is intended to ensurethat the state acts as a precautionary measure, which means, that if there is a suspicion that a product may harm the environment and humans, it isnot allowed to be allowed this product, not even then, if there is (still) disagreement about potential damage in the science.In Japan too, the precautionary principle is one of the basic principles in the legislation.And in this context, the European Commission claims "that no EU trade agreement can call into question this primary law guaranteed precautionaryprinciple".That is a straightforward lie!Because as in CETA, is also in JEFTA ignored this precautionary principle in the chapters on technical barriers to trade (TBT) and on health andphytosanitary measures (SPS) by doing these issues should be treated according to the TBT and SPS agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO).And the TBT and SPS agreements of the WTO do not support the precautionary principle, but the US-American practice, according to which newproducts in principle always have to be approved and damage must first have occurred and whose causalities then have yet to be explicitly proven,before a product can be banned again!The EU Commission also claims that "this agreement sets the highest standards in the areas of labor, safety, environmental protection andconsumer protection".That is also a lie!Because the JEFTA does not even require the ratification, implementation and compliance of the 8 core labor standards (freedom of association andprotection of the freedom of association, the right to organize and to collective bargaining, forced labor and abolition of forced labor, equal pay,abolition of the discrimination in employment and occupation, minimum age and abolition of child labor, prohibition and immediate action to eliminatethe worst forms of child labor) of the International Labor Organization (ILO), they are, incidentally, part of the European Convention on Human Rightsand which in turn has been ratified by all EU member states and therefore is actually legally binding for all EU member states.And that means in practice, that with the JEFTA purely legal the existing labor standards may be further reduced at any time.Also the existing environmental and consumer protection standards are endangered with the JEFTA!Because these standards are treated in the so-called "sustainability chapter", and as already pointed out, is the "sustainability chapter" is not subjectto state-to-state arbitration and thus can not be legally opposed to a reduction in these areas.After the CETA, the JEFTA is the second trade agreement of the EU which contains a negative list for services.This means, that all services, including public services, such as the water supply and also the education, deregulated and liberalized.And that means, in turn, that with the introduction of this negative list, the prerogative of the public authorities to leave public services in the publicpurse has been abolished.And this can force the public sector to privatize public services, including services of general interest!With the JEFTA, the EU Commission is beginning to soften the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), which has been in forcesince May 2018 and which is very strict. Because the EU Commission and the European national governments and especially Germany reject theEU-GDPR, because its stand in the way of the growth and yield promises of an (unbridled) BIG DATA industry.And so with the JEFTA European and Japanese digital companies are granted far-reaching rights, which are still curtailed and regulated by the EU-GDPR.For example, the JEFTA especially protects the companies which bundle data, by doing e.g. they do not need to disclose their source codes.The JEFTA also means a step backwards in the area of the corruption protection!Because although the EU Commission itself had already made a binding decision in 2015 to include anti-corruption clauses in its trade agreementsand the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement TPP, which also includes Japan, has anchored extensive anti-corruption clauses as well as the G20 states,which also includes Japan and some EU member states, affirm for years to fight corruption and especially Japan itself has an extensive anti-corruptionlegislation, the JEFTA completely lacks an anti-corruption chapter.Summary:The JEFTA is also written in the spirit and in the practice of the neoliberalism! It is unilaterally oriented only to the interests of the economy!All areas of the market will be further deregulated and liberalized with this agreement, and existing labor, environmental, consumer, data andanti-corruption standards can and may be further reduced with the JEFTA.And there too the JEFTA was also anchored in international law, its treaty content has also a constitutional rank for all contracting states.And thus, the project of installing of a neoliberal and in international law anchored economic constitution, from which all systemic and societal areasare to be regulated and determined, is pushed further, which in practice, due to the anchoring in international law, means nothing other than thefurther dismantling of the democracy.Also as with the CETA, especially with the JEFTA it becomes clear that meanwhile all necessary achievements, that is, really everything that might evenstand in the way of a maximum profit striving, will be successively abolished again. As here i.a. with the abolition of the precautionary principle,the abolition of health and safety standards, the abolition of labor and labor protection standards, the abolition or erosion of the European Conventionon Human Rights, the abolition of data protection and anti-corruption.Here to the official website of the European Commission for the JEFTA! >>The Free Trade Agreement of the EU, Australia and New ZealandSince the end of 2018, the EU, Australia and New Zealand are negotiating a comprehensive free trade agreement. These negotiations are still in theirinfancy, the first introductory and exploratory talks have just been held (as of February 2019).Due to the massive protests against the CETA, these negotiations should be fully transparent.As well the citizens should be able to get involved in the negotiation process via a website.Of course, these civil society submissions have no legal force, and whether they will even be taken into account in the contract negotiations at allis more than questionable.Because the example of the "New EU Copyright Reform" has already shown that the proposals, which were officially requested by the EU Commissionand which were then submitted in many forms by many stakeholders, have not been taken into consideration.Because in order to be able to contribute anything, especially in Brussels, you need a lot of time and even more money, which usually only lobbyistshave.Moreover, in Brussels, as in all other parliaments, it is wonderful to see, how it gets over time more and more difficult for the Members of Parliamentand representatives to defend their own convictions when they have to fear for their future.Here to the to date official website of the European Commission for this free trade agreement (as of July 2018)! >>The TTIPWith the beginning of the presidency of Donald Trump, the negotiations on the TTIP were actually canceled. But now it is slowly starting to resumethese negotiations.In contrast to the free trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand, the negotiations on the TTIP are again completely secretly conducted.The fact that the free trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand is being negotiated transparently is probably due to the fact that this is a rathersmall market volume and therefore this agreement is, from the EU point of view, of secondary importance.Likewise, with this approach, the goal should be pursued that the civil society, so to speak, works off about this agreement and so the TTIP as possiblestays under the radar.Because with the TTIP would be the largest free trade agreement in the world to date, with a market with over 850 million people.Moreover, the USA is, of course, the world's largest and most powerful economic power, a world power in which not a cultural struggle “left-wing”against “right-wing” is led, but in which behind this "cultural struggle" in truth a fight rich against poor, elite against non-elite, established againstnon-established hides. And of course, this world power does not want a transparent insight into its thinking, actions, projects and practices.Because the power, one's own economic status and one's own position in the society can best be maintained if the existing one exists and, in principle,everything continues as before.To date, there are no new official publications on the new TTIP negotiations (as of February 2019).TRANSNATIONAL AGREEMENTS PART 1! >>