About the impracticality of a sole regionalization as well as of parallel structures! (January 2024) The Western democracies are increasingly developing into a totalitarian system, with the total surveillance and control of all areas of life as well as the total power and control over the thinking and mind as well as over the body of the individual person! The resulting realization that the institutional and structural design of the existing democratic systems allows this development unhindered, and even promotes and supports it, and that, as a result, it actually has to be about a new overall system that should be fully communicative and fully democratic in terms of its institutional and structural design, so which must mean the fundamental further development of the democracy itself, unfortunately, it does not want to mature with the people in the so-called “West”. Instead, on the one hand, the creation of new all-responsibility parties of the old style is being hyped, and on the other hand, the idea of parallel structures is circulating again, once again, with which one wants to decouple oneself and become independent from the existing overall system. I am now experiencing these developments for the second time in this life, because in the years 2007 - 2012, in the direct context of the so-called “financial crisis” at that time, numerous corresponding movements and projects emerged, even significantly more than today. And the concepts with which these parallel structures are to be put into practice have been the same for 150 years: regionalization, regional economic cycles paired with regional complementary currencies, alternative currencies that are should to function according to a different monetary system, a different economic activity, direct democratic projects, community projects and “free cities”, as well as, now after 150 years new added, crypto curren- cies, such as the Bitcoin. With the topics of “regionalization” and “parallel structures” we dealt already 30 years ago, and myself have now over 20 years of practical experience in this regard. So I was active in the regionalization movement, in a community project and the community movement as well as in the alternative money and economic scene, helped initiate and build up a regional economic cycle (circular economy) that still exists today, and was briefly a member of the “Charter of Independent Regions in Europe” and have been living for 20 years in a federal state (Saarland) that, led by the state government, has also been relying on strong regionalization in all system areas for 20 years and which is praised by the regionalization advocates as THE “successful” model example for the design of the European regions, in a Europe of the regions with the simultaneous abolition of the nation states. And in the following I would like to show why, based on my practical experiences, I have come to the knowledge that a regionalization and parallel structures alone do not represent practical solutions, but that a new overriding overall system must be striven for as a priority! A Europe of independent regions with the simultaneous abolition of the nation states: Among the fighters for a sole regionalization, for a Europe of the regions, the following existential questions remain unanswered: The first question that arises is how to deal with the problem of regions with different economic strengths? Should to be taking place a balance here, and if so, how should this balance be designed and organized systemically? The answer from the regionalizers is that appropriate contracts must then be concluded! To the resulting questions about how these contracts should be designed, with a priority on self-interest or solidarity, and who decides on these contracts, elected people or a referendum, is the answer: On solidarity, and of course on a referendum! And what if, as in Switzerland, the population decides against a solidarity-based balance? The proponents of regionalization have no answer to this question! The next question revolves around the interregional migration which resulting from the economic differences: How should this be dealt with? - To this I must to add explaining that I live in an extremely structurally weak federal state and because of this the young people here are forced to have to leave the Saarland against their will if they want to have the opportunity for themselves, professionally and in all the other areas that arise from it, to be able to discover, develop further and evolve individually. - And what then happens to these “more or less depopulated” regions, especially in the context of the first question? The regionalizers are completely overwhelmed intellectually with this topic! The third question deals with the different cultures and the concomitant identities: As I have already explained elsewhere, the formation of cultures and the insistence on the independence of the one's own culture results from the third interpersonal level of reflection and communication of the human, the communicative level. So the formation of culture comes directly from the univer- sal sociality of the human, and that is why this formation of culture also arises in all social systems. And so are to be found different local, regional and national cultures as well as different club and enterprise cultures all over the world. And in this context: What happens to the natural grown national cultures, how should be dealt with that? Because the disrespect of the national cultures leads to very serious dislocations, as the example of the “former GDR” proves: In many personal conver- sations I was replied: “You have reduced us to our regional and local cultures!” I also heard this accusation again in a LIVE special broadcast by the German broadcasting station Deutschlandfunk Kultur on the “Day of German Unity”, when, during a public panel discussion, a woman in the audience shouted exact this sentence to the group and received deep approval from the rest of the audience for that, which resulted from the one's own know- ledge or the one's own experience. This example alone shows that it is not enough to reduce the people to their regional and local cultures, but that the national culture must also be satisfied for a clean social hygiene. With this example is also clearly to see that when the topic of the cultural identity is activated within oneself, the national culture comes first. Nor can the one's own culture be replaced by another, as the Iranian Dina Nayeri insistently shows in her autobiographical book “The Ungrateful Refugee”. This reality has spiritual or universal backgrounds, because the one's own culture and everything that goes with it, including (also the national) history, influences, encounters and karmic entanglements and complications, are a knowledge and ability, a seeing and thinking that is stored in the causal body and is therefore never lost again, and above all, in this way is brought along again into the next life. And because of this universal functio- ning, over 90% of the souls reincarnate back into their previous cultural space, which is why is spoken of natural grown cultures and, in context with the nations, today nation states, of natural grown cultural spaces. And how strongly this brought culture determinate not only the one's own inner self, but also the perception of others, I can report from my own experience: In this life I reincarnated myself in Germany for the first time, in my previous lives I was a Frenchman. And the fact that I am actually a Frenchman has been immediately recognized by everyone I have met, even before we have exchanged a word with each other and without me mentioning it, and that was already the case when I was at school. “Only if one already see you, so how you behave, the way you move, your posture and your charisma, you are clearly a Frenchman!” as a Serbian woman who living in Germany once said to me. And so, ever since I was at school, I was always referred to as „the Frenchman“, and everyone immediately knew who was meant. When others spoke about me, they always referred to me as „the Frenchman”. Needless to say, that I have a very strong affinity for France and it was only in France that I really felt at home for the first time. However, when it comes to this topic, the regionalizers show no skills and no knowledge or ability at all to be able to grasp and penetrate these con- nections and functionings cognitive. But quite the opposite, they negate the cultural aspect or even deliberately reduce it to the local and regional level, but which, as shown, is an existential mistake. And this brings us to the nations, today nation states, to the demand for the abolition of the nation states: Hereto, one have to know about the following universal nature and functioning: As I have explained elsewhere, there are specific cosmic energies that are prevalent throughout the Universe. To these energies belong apart from the “universal love” also the so-called “cosmic rays”, which are also called "ray energies". And these ray energies in turn hit specific regions of the earth in different combinations. And on these regions are the nations, now nation states, emerged. And these nations, or also self-contained spaces, are unchangeable due to the causal ray energies! Any arbitrary drawing of borders, any arbitrary instal- lation and spatial design of nation states, such as in the Middle East, will sooner or later be corrected in the meaning of the cosmic ray combinations. This correction is currently beginning in the Middle East, because due to the combination of rays hitting the Middle East, the entire Middle East was and is actually a single nation, a common cultural space. A realization that quite a few intellectuals and members of the academy in the Arab states, and also in Israel, have already gained and, as a result, are already dealing with the questions of the systemic implementation and design! This correction took place i.a. in Yugoslavia with the Yugoslav wars from 1991 - 2001, in a peaceful form in the Czechoslovakia as well as in context with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the breakup of Great Russia into the original nations, i.a. in the Caucasus. In addition, these ray energies have an affect on the consciousness of the people and are thereby culture-forming! For example, the combination of rays hitting the entire German-speaking space causes i.a. this anticipatory, unconditional obedience, this subservience, the culture of obedience, which has once again become apparent in a frightening form during the Corona period. This combination of rays is unique in the world, in contrast, for example, to the combination of rays that makes a nation to a world power, which exists twice. And also the combination of rays that affects the multi-ethnic state of Russia and causes the emergence of genuine spirituality, as it turns out i.a. in the peaceful coexistence of these many ethnics, is unique on this Earth. And the large number and diversity of European nations and cultures, which, as shown, emerged from the various combinations of rays, is also unique in the world. No other region on the Earth is hitting by so many different and spatially limited combinations of rays as Europe. And because of these universal connections and functionings, the abolition of the nation states is so fundamentally wrong and will lead to such severe dislocations to wars that it will take several centuries to be able to partly rectify the resulting negative consequences. In this overall issue, regarding the origins, functionings and connections of the nations and cultures, the regionalizers and especially those who demand the abolition of the nation states show a real resistance to facts and denial of reality and thus a classic, purely ideological way of thinking! Which in turn shows that the demand for the abolition of the nation states has long been a genuine ideology! In this overall issue, the regionalizers and especially those who demand the abolition of the nation states do not know what they are talking about, which in turn results in dangerous presumptions and anti-democratic developments! Also in the topic of “Regionalization with the simultaneous abolition of the nation states” it can once again be seen that there is as big a difference between theory and practice as between day and night! And like all theoretician who are simultaneously caught up in ideology, show in particular those who want to abolish the nation states neither an awareness of this nor a thinking as to whether, and if so, what consequences their ideas could have. And that is of course why also the ideologists in this regard work with intellectually embellished euphemisms and false images as well as with false claims, populism and propaganda. And in context with the natural grown nations as natural grown cultural spaces, some nation-state abolitionists even go full dictatorial: “Then we’ll just create new cultural spaces, haha!” Quote from the German political scientist Ulrike Guérot. Furthermore: As already mentioned, I live in a federal state that has been relying heavily on and shaping regionalization in all system areas for 20 years now. This regionalization is motivated on the experience because after the collapse of the steel industry, the so-called structural change did not work under neoliberal conditions. And based on almost 20 years of experience with this, I can say with certainty that a sole regionalization is far from sufficient to be able to build, finance and shape a modern community as we know it today. Parallel structures, a different way of living together, community projects and “free” or “private cities”: The concept of “community project” as well as “free” or “private city”, which in turn is understood as the basis for the development of parallel structures, is particularly one-dimensional in the consideration and understanding of the state/statehood/system, community, democracy, society and further development, because the proponents of the “community project” and “private city” models also leave many existential questions unanswered. Because such a community project and such a private city can only function and exist if the residents have a correspondingly high income. Because the reality has proven that a community project and a private city fundamentally do not have the abilities and opportunities to finance themselves com- pletely on its own and therefore cannot finance the necessary internal community. And again from it resulting the questions: What about with socially disadvantaged people? Won't they be allowed in? Do they remain excluded, is there a social seclusion taking place? And what happens to the community and private city residents who should to become unemployed? Will they then to get the kick again? And above all, how and where can the necessary income be earned? Exclusively only in this private city or is there the need to work and do business outside of the private city? And under what systemic, economic and governmental situations and framework conditions is this “outside” organized, designed and regulated? And further: How and where, for example, are doctors, security and teaching staff as well as legal experts/judges etc. trained? Can a private city perform these necessities or does it require a larger outside? And further again: How and under what conditions does the production and supply of food and consumer goods take place? Because parallel structures cannot fulfill this need to the extent required! These questions reveal that community projects and private cities are anything but independent of and autonomous from an overriding system, but on the contrary, its are existentially dependent on the functioning of the overriding overall system, of the larger outside! Furthermore, the necessary economic circumstances of the residents inevitably lead, in a logical development, to a homogeneous urban society as well as to a “gated community”. But homogeneity means monoculture, and monoculture always means stagnation and ultimately the death. Only diversity can create the basic prerequisite for any form of positive further development. For this reason, the private city model does not represent a solution to the problems which resulting from the migration or the multiculturalism which is practiced today. It would only lead to insular parallel societies, with all the resulting negative developments. One of the most exemplary negative examples of this is the semi-sovereign community project “Auroville” in India, which has existed for over 50 years, where the people have consciously come together, i.a. to show and prove to the humanity how and that a peaceful and harmonious, in coexistence living together of the different cultures is possible. Unfortunately, it still does not work today! There is no real coexistence or an intercultural exchange, but on the contrary, the individual so-called “National Pavilions” live only side by side, and worse yet, literally distance themselves from each other and often even treat each other in a sectarian manner. Also, after more than 50 years, the grassroots democracy practiced there still does not work, neither in the administration and organization nor in the participation of the citizens nor in the finding, naming and, above all, solving of problems nor in the development of practical contents nor in the finding of a competent functional elite. Auroville has thus proven, and, by the way, also Tunisia!, that the sole grassroots democracy as an overall system, as an overall systemic framework, is unsuitable and impractical. The reason for this is that even not all people have the necessary knowledge and skills for that. Because the principle of the “wisdom of the crowd”, the so-called swarm or collective intelligence, only works in specialist groups, as also James Surowiecki has found out, because without knowledge there is no wisdom. And the fact that this functioning especially in the German-speaking world does not want to be understood, is due to the neediness of edification of the project participants. In addition, one will only be accepted as a new resident in Auroville if one have specific economic circumstances and have a specific, predetermined mentality and worldview, which are queried and checked beforehand in a kind of selection and approval process. And here other existential problems reveal themselves, which have also already been approved in the reality: A community project and a private city are inherently self-contained spaces and systems. Its are not as permeable and accessible as normal villages or cities. And above all, they do not have the necessary infrastructures and community as well as economic design options as normal cities. And this results in that, purely for reasons of self-preservation, a strict selection process, according to specific predetermined criteria, for potential participants and residents must be carried out. This necessity and the resulting consequences I have described detailed HERE >> ! In addition, communities and private cities also need something like an official organization and administration. And as has been shown, this “organi- zation and administration” results in normative hierarchical levels, from which in turn normative power structures can develop and usually also develop. And that taken together, the selection process coupled with the hierarchical levels and power structures, lead to a homogeneous urban society with largely the same ideas, ideology and the same views as well as preferences and perspectives, which in turn can be and often are differing from com- munity to community and from private city to private city. And that in turn leads to a competitiveness and even to a competitive struggle, to a mutual demarcation between the individual communities and private cities and thus to particularism and sectionalism. And that in turn undermines the construction of real parallel structures, because for parallel structures that at least work somewhat, a division of labor and cooperation between the communities and private cities is required in a complementary way, which, however, does not come about because of what has been said. And even if this ideal case were to come about, these parallel structures would still be existentially dependent on the functioning of the larger outside due to the numerous resources and means of production that would still be required. A different economic activity, a different economic and monetary system: It is undisputed that the existing interest-based monetary system coupled with the almost completely deregulated global financial system as well as the neoliberalization of the social whole, of the entire community, only produces negative developments. And so movements and projects are currently emerging again that deal with a different economic activity, with a different economic and monetary systems. It is of course fundamentally right to acquire a relevant knowledge and even, if possible, appropriate practical experiences. But today, as in the past, the mistake of thinking is being made again of believing that a different economic or monetary system alone already means a new and, above all, a complete social system. This one-dimensional thinking is also called economism and monetarism. However, this thinking is fundamentally wrong because the social whole is much more complex and multidimensional than it can be regulated and satisfied solely by the economic or monetary system. And also today, as already in the past, it is once again extremely difficult to even impossible to make economists and monetarists understand that the social whole, that a social system, is fundamentally more multidimensional and must be viewed and treated accordingly. In addition, some of these alternative economic and monetary system concepts are not practical, such as the "Economy for the Common Good" and the "Post-growth Economy". The economy for the common good, for example, works with the wrong principle of reflection, namely only with the “explicit reflection”. In the systemic work, means the “explicit reflection” a thinking and acting that are normatively dictated by the system. In the economy for the common good, this explicit requirement is the “cooperative acting”, whereby is intended to eliminate the “egoism”. But every system that works exclusively with the explicit reflection and ignores the “implicit reflection”, i.e. the actual inner and self-determined thinking of the human, has always automatically, in a logical consequence, developed into a dictatorship and has failed, because the exclusive “explicit reflection” always means in practice a given compulsion to do something. And so it is also with the economy for the common good, as has already been proven in larger companies, in which quite a few people justifiably see their professional creativity, autonomy and independence as well as their self-determination suppressed by the pressure to cooperate and therefore refusing the pressure to cooperate. Because of this, the economy for the common good, like the neoliberalism, economic liberalism and the “free market economy”, has long since mal-developed into a pure ideology and into a pure doctrine of faith. And the post-growth economy does not work because it cannot produce the necessary economic output to be able to finance a modern community of today's design and a welfare state, which is especially in the post-growth economy absolutely necessary. And the Bitcoin, like all crypto or digital currencies, is not suitable for that reason alone because it is developed and introduced according to purely market-based principles, because it is a purely speculative object whose “value” arises exclusively from the speculation of the investors. In addition, all transactions of the crypto or digital currencies are recorded centrally! This is done in the “Unified Ledger” of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, which of course means a seamless monitoring with individually designed intervention options. So the believe that crypto currencies, like the Bitcoin, bring with them or mean any kind of freedom is simply nothing more than a delusion. Regional economic cycles, regional complementary currencies: The following theoretical goals are associated with regional economic cycles paired, if possible, with regional complementary currencies: 1. The aim is to promote and strengthen the awareness for regionality, for the one's own region as well as the regional togetherness and community. 2. The aim is to promote and strengthen the regional economy and the awareness for regional products. 3. The aim is to increase the regional economic performance and, above all, to keep the money in the region by using of complementary currencies. Regarding point 1: To be honest, it has to be said that it cannot be determined whether regional economic cycles also promote and strengthen the regional awareness. Rather, I can say from my experience that a regionalization can only be implemented successfully and the implementation of regional economic cycles can only succeed if the people already have a strong regional awareness beforehand. Regarding point 2: Here too, I can say from my experience that the awareness for regional products can only be promoted if fundamentally there is already a regional awareness. Regarding point 3: If regional economic cycles are successfully implemented, its definitely increase the regional economic performance and also the money stays in the region. But in terms of the economic output that is required for the region, its cannot completely replace the supra-regional markets. The economic necessity of supra-regional markets fundamentally remains! For a successful regionalization and the implementation of regional economic cycles, the following three basic requirements must be fulfilled in advance: 1. There must already be a regional awareness. 2. Essentially, the necessary purchasing power must be available. If the purchasing power is lacking or the regional market is too small in terms of the number of potential customers, a regional market will not work either. ​3. The whole project must fundamentally be supported from above. If one basic requirement is lacking, the entire project can fail. If all three are lacking, one do not even need to start. Due to these necessities, for example, over 50% of the regional economic cycles initiated in Germany have failed. Basically, it can be summarized that regional economic cycles paired with regional complementary currencies always have a positive effect and bring an additional stability to the overall system. And that is even the real point: A regionalization and regional economic cycles paired with regional comple- mentary currencies cannot undermine the overall system and certainly cannot replace it, but on the contrary, its support and strengthen the overriding overall system, as can be particularly clearly seen in France that has the most regional markets coupled with regional currencies in Europe. And precisely because, as already shown, a sole regionalization is not sufficient to be able to shape a modern community, regional economic cycles and regional currencies can fundamentally only be understood and operated as a complementary and not as a complete replacement for the overriding system. In addition, also the regional markets are fundamentally subject to the forces and power of the supra-regional markets, because the supra-regional markets are usually saturated and, due to its size, have completely different pricing and product design options. Therefore, in order to create a resilience in the regional markets, it is absolutely necessary to seal off the regional markets. Due to this necessity, in France the regional markets are also sealed off from the supra-regional markets, while in Germany, for example, this market foreclosure is prohibited, just as in Germany, in contrast to France, regional complementary currencies are prohibited. Résumé and the resulting logical consequence: My experiences in this regard have shown me that a sole regionalization as well as parallel structures neither cannot undermine nor otherwise weaken the overriding overall system and certainly cannot replace it! But on the contrary, in its persistence, regional and parallel structures are existentially dependent on the functioning of the overriding overall system, as the reality proves! Therefore, regional and parallel structures can in principle only be treated as a complementary. The reality has also shown that regional and parallel structures actually stabilize, strengthen and support the overriding overall system, no matter how negative the overall system is! Moreover, most of these alternative projects and concepts are overall systemically unsuitable and impractical for many reasons and have, as a result of this, developed into an ideology! For these reasons, these alternative paths, which, as mentioned at the beginning, have been taken again and again for over 150 years, have so far neither been able to really establish themselves as a real alternative nor have a lasting effect, in the sense of a positive change, on the overall system! But on the contrary, as the reality proves, the overall system is progressing negatively without hindrance! And above all, a regionalization or parallel structures will neither remedy the existing extremely unequal distribution of property and wealth nor resolve the resulting power relations. Therefore, if one want a real change for the better, it is absolutely necessary to renew the overriding overall system! And this new overall system should be designed and constructed institutionally, structurally and in terms of its framework conditions in such a way that really all people can contribute in shaping of the social whole. And that in turn means in practice the fundamental further development of the democracy itself towards a fully communicative and fully democratic system that can create and guarantee real systemic communication and realization structures so that the lived, self-determined, everyday and pluralistic thinking as well as the further development of the consciousness of the people can actually construct and realize the social reality. And these necessities fulfills for me, as the only democracy concept I know of, only the Value-levels-democracy! To the Value-levels-democracy! >>