© MARTIN BESECKE 2010 - 2025
The Value-levels-democracy for Europe
The goal of integration, unity, of a common Europe or even a true world community in which the people live together peacefully and with equal rights,
with a world government led by wise, responsible, prudent politicians of integrity, must be striven for!
Because this goal is laid out in the universal, which means, that it means, so to speak, the destiny of the humanity anyway.
The problem is just, that neither the humanity in its entirety has already developed to the level of development, that they can really live and practice
such a community from their very inner, nor are such politicians anywhere to be seen.
One can i.a. recognize it, that today's nation states as first constructs represent a grown and common cultural, legal and value space in which different
cultures, traditions and peoples can practice a common living together, but this development process even in the nation states is far not completed.
And due to its institutional, structural and political design is the current European Union over-bureaucratic, intransparent as well as uncommunicative
and, above all, utterly undemocratic and corrupt.
And as the reality shows, such a design in practice promotes everything else as a pan-European consciousness.
That is why there is the need to think the further development steps based on the current level of development and experience!
At the moment there are two models in the wider public, the idea of the United States of Europe based on the example of the USA, and the idea of
a Federal Republic of Europe with in many topics independent regions, with the simultaneous abolition of today's nation states based on the example
of the Federal Republic of Germany, sometimes also based on the example of Switzerland.
Both models, however, have existential systemic errors.
The United States of Europe ultimately means a power concentration of the classical kind in a central government with all the negative developments
already known, such as negative striving for power, abuse of power, corruption and ideologies.
While the idea of the Federal Republic means the abolition and negation of already existing national cultures and thus again a return to again
only regional and local cultural spaces with all the associated negative developments, such as demarcation and homogenisations right up to the
smallest states, so that in the end would mean a real step backwards to the universal goal of a true world community.
Because a negation of already existing cultures has always failed and has led to much suffering and radicalization, because cultures always go in to the
anthropological and also in to the causal-karmic. “Causal-karmic” means that more than 90% of the souls reincarnate back into their previous culture
In addition, the formation of cultures and the insistence on one's own culture and the identity that goes with it comes directly from the universal
sociality of the human and results from the 3rd interpersonal reflection and communication level of the human, the communicative level, the mutually-
double-reflected communication.
This can be seen in the different local, regional and national cultures. And whenever the issue of cultural identity is activated, the highest culture, the
national culture and the identity that goes with it, is always activated.
This can also be seen in the private sphere in the different club and corporate cultures. And we know from mergers of companies with different
corporate cultures that this can also fail precisely because of the different corporate cultures.
That is why this federal concept would fail existentially in practice!
Furthermore, both models implement political systems that have already revealed their dysfunctionalities at the nation state level.
Because that the whole well-known existential overall systemic negative developments, such as the destruction of the environment, nature as well as
the climate, the increasing social inequity and inequality, the overall systemic domination and power of design of the economy and money and as a
direct result, the cutback of the democracy and the cutback of universal human rights and fundamental values and not least, the increasing political
and social resurgence of the nationalism, authoritarianism and totalitarianism, can even be created in this way and can progress unhindered as well
demonstrate the systemic dysfunctionalities as well as the structural deficiencies of the societal conditions of communication and participation of the
existing democratic political systems and thus also those of the centralist and the federal system.
In addition, that also these two democratic political systems can only allow today's unitary and general competence parties, which but bundle all
political and social themes for power-political reasons, but above all, in a structurally quite unobjective way.
This in turn leads due to the monarchical leadership paired with the party discipline automatically to an unobjective, incompetent, uncommunicative
and above all many times to an ideological treatment of many topics.
This basically means, that it has to go to a true advancement of the democracy itself towards a structural full-communicative and therefore
full-democratic system that can create and guarantee real systemic structures of communication and realization so that our lived, everyday and
pluralistic thinking as well as the further development of the consciousness and awareness of the human can actually construct and realize the social
reality and in which the solutions to our existential problems can actually be negotiated in a real societal discourse.
And in addition, especially for Europe, that it has to go to an equal be together, an equal partnership, an equal communication at the systemic level
of the different already existing national cultures, so that from this level of development can develop a pan-European consciousness, and not should
mean the step backwards again to only regional and local cultural spaces.
The political and social system of Value-levels-democracy has recognized these dysfunctionalities and deficiencies and fix them and learned from
the mistakes of the past and creates and, above all, ensures the systemic framework conditions for the necessities which named here.
The Value-levels-democracy is based on the value-stepped reflection-system-theory of Four-segmentation and means in practice the transformation of
the democracy into a value-stepped four-chamber parliament, the executive and legislative and also the institutional und structural segmentation
of the system into the four systemically relevant areas of economy, politics, culture and fundamental values, whereby they to be brought for the first
time ever to a pertinent and full-democratic treatment.
At the European level, this means in practice
4. a fundamental values parliament:
Due to the highest value grading of the fundamental values parliament exists for the first time the possibility to be able to form the pan-European
social coexistence of fundamental values.
As well, by doing so, get the fundamental values a direct democratic control and treatment, which opens up the possibility e.g. to develop and
establish a pan-European canon of values in a peaceful-democratic process.
This possibilities can not be provided by the current democracy systems, wherefore e.g. the European Convention on Human Rights is permanently
bowed down or broken by the politics, even though it has constitutional status for all EU countries, because the European Convention on Human
Rights is not subject to any democratic control and treatment at the systemic level.
Because of this, mean e.g. such commissions like the ethics commission in Germany also no solution, because it represents a non-systemic
institution, which means that their proposals have no legally binding character, but their implementation at the executive level is subject only to
Moreover, also this commission is not subject to any democratic treatment, which is why it is accordingly elitist-entranced and uncommunicative
towards the society.
3. a culture parliament:
Integration through differentiation!
In this parliament, the different already existing national cultures can communicate on systemic level on an equal footing with each other
and can negotiate on systemic level a fair coexistence.
And only an equal communication on systemic level can make a development towards a pan-European consciousness up to the development of a
pan-European culture possible in the first place. Because in this parliament, the diversity of the European cultures finds their democratic expression.
2. a politics parliament:
This parliament makes the possibility to design a pan-European right, a pan-European constitution and a pan-European foreign and security policy
through a real pan-European full-democratic process.
1. an economy parliament:
Through this parliament, the legal framework is established that the economic system and the economic interaction with each other finds a pertinent
and democratic treatment. This means in practice for the first time in the history of the world the creation of a true economic democracy.
With this Parliament can be designed in a pan-European full-democratic process, for example, the framework conditions for transnational trade
agreements and for a solidaristic balance between economically strong and weak nations.
And there the economy parliament has to take the legal requirements of the higher-ranking parliaments binding into account, does it automatically
leads to a community serving and not dominating economy, as in today's reality.
This value-stepped Four-segmentation of the system represents a direct deduction from the four levels of reflection of the interpersonal communi-
Because the humans communicate with each other on four levels of reflection:
1. The subject-object level
Based on my own needs, views, interests, intentions and freedoms, I treat the other instrumentally and thus only as an object.
This communication is unreflected.
2. The one-sided-strategic level
I use the other and his freedoms strategically for my own interests.
This communication is one-sided-simply-reflected.
3. The communicative level
We take each other's freedom, expectations and wishes seriously and take communicate with it.
This communication is mutually-double-reflected.
4. The meta-level
I take a stand on this de facto mutual (of the gaze) position (embarrassed, friendly, dismissive, etc.) and at the same time I take a stand for the opinion
of the other: repeated reflection of the mutuality or final reflection.
This communication means in practice the metacommunication, we agree, mostly tacit-implicit, on behavioral norms.
These four levels of communication are represented by the four sub-parliaments, whereby the system can to communicate with the people
and vice versa at all levels of reflection, and that for the first time in the history of social systems.
While today's democracies, due to their one-dimensional institutional and mono-structural design and the resulting overall systemic dominance of the
economy, can communicate only at the lowest level of reflection, the subject-object level.
Here is also the real reason to find why the existing democracies are increasingly experiencing rejection and are really in the erosion.
Because the thinking and the consciousness of the people is meanwhile much more developed and differentiated and can not be satisfied only from
the economic point of view. The people are also increasingly responding to cultural, ethical and fundamental values topics.
And the Value-levels-democracy establishes the necessary systemic structures of communication and realization so that this evolved thinking and
awareness of the people can be expressed in the systemic through a peaceful-democratic way.
This four-segmentation of the system also means that today's all-responsible parties will be replaced by area-specific theme and subject parties.
This enables European theme and subject parties at the European level, which, in turn, make pan-European discussions on subject topics and thus
a pan-European communication structurally possible in the first place.
Because this differentiation into the four system areas and the resulting area-specific subject and theme parties means in practice the constructive
synthesis (and not only just a mix!) of direct and parliamentary democracy, the fundamental renewal of the societal conditions of communication and
participation towards a full-communicative and thus full-democratic pan-European society!
And only factual discourses about all political, social and systemic topics that can actually be conducted by truly all people on a truly pan-European level
can make the development of a pan-European consciousness possible in the first place!
And the Value-levels-democracy establishes the systemic framework conditions for these necessities and can guarantee it!