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Francis Bacon, 1561 - 1626, statesman and philosopher, was or is in truth a Master of the so-called "Solar Hierarchy"and is called Master Rakoczi / R.. He is as well as the already mentioned Masters Kut Humi / K.H. and Djwal Khul / D.K.a master of the 5th solar initiation.Souls of this level of spiritual development no longer need an earthly life and are therefore no longer in the cycles ofreincarnation, but in principle can manifest themselves physically anytime, anywhere, even in an incarnation, and atany time dissolve again as it were.Master Rakoczi / R. works in the " working department" of the so-called "intelligence-aspect", to which belong thetopics and tasks of the intellectual development of the human, politics / political system, society / social system /societal development and the sciences and thus also the knowledge acquisition and transfer.While the Masters Kut Humi and Djwal Khul work in the "working department" of the so-called "love-wisdom-aspect",to which belong the topics and tasks of the general spiritual development of the human, body - soul - mind / spirit,love, health, nature / plants / animals as well as the arts and religions and Whose transmissions are mediated inthe "Theosophy".In the manifestation "Francis Bacon" He founded the "empiricism", in which, shown shortened, it is about that in the gaining of knowledge, also (metaphysical) awarenesses and thereby the spiritual functionings and mechanisms ofaction should be included. As "Francis Bacon" He was the groundbreaker of the modern natural sciences as well asfor the founding of today's social and human sciences.His political work and explanations on the political and state system laid the foundation for the democratizing politicalsystem of "the liberalism". And His remarks on the economic system, described and criticized even then the dominanceof economic interests over the good of the whole.More about the working departments or aspects as well as the solar initiations HERE in this PDF file! >>
Master Rakoczi / R.in the incarnationFrancis Bacon(1561 - 1626)