About me
© MARTIN BESECKE 2010 - 2025
At first, an answer to many inquiries, why I impart specifically the “Theosophy”?
All my life I have a spiritual knowledge and spiritual abilities, have access to the subtle levels as well as to the astral and have to do with many different
phenomena. Accordingly, I have numerous experiences with which I was able to verify whether I actually something know and can or just imagine and
presume it. In addition, all my life I have been going a very specific way of life all by myself, from my whole inner, in a natural way, on which I work on
very specific spiritual topics and tasks.
And in the theosophical literature I found all of this, all my knowledge and skills, my life path with the corresponding topics and tasks as well as what I
can see one-to-one for the first time. It is not only through this that I know that the contents of the Theosophy or the transmissions which are imparted
through the Theosophy are actually genuine and correspond to the truth.
And all of the spiritual statements and informations that I make on this website and in my work come from my own knowledge and skills.
• • • •
I was born in 1967 in Bremen, Germany and have studied Cultural Sciences.
Since my studies, I have worked as Culture Manager in several functions, as project manager and producer, in fundraising as well as in public relations.
Furthermore, I worked creatively in lighting design and event technology in the areas of theater and events.
The things think to the end!
Since my twenties, I have been politically active in recognizing that the existing overall system needs a fundamental because necessary renewal, because
in its logical and thus predictable development, it can only produce negative consequences.
Since then, in addition to the knowledge and expertise I have already acquired and brought with me in previous lives, which is stored and retrievable in
my causal body, I have acquired an additional comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge on these topics and issues and collected many practical
Since 2008/2010, following my inner life and tasks, I work full-time in these political thematic contexts. Initially majority in the project management,
and today in the analysis, development of contents and advice as well as in the training and qualification.
My expertise consists in the intellectual comprehension and penetration of overall systems in their entirety and complexity.
I analyze social, politcal and economic systems and their systemic structures, i.a. in their complex functionings and normative mechanisms of action and
also political, economis and legistlative projects, i.a. in their systemic, structural and socializing effects.
In 2009/2010, I co-founded and helped to establish an agricultural regional economic cycle (circular economy) that still exists today.
And in this contaxt, in 2015, I prepared an analysis and forecast by using the NAFTA, the free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the USA,
which is a blueprint for the TTIP, which implications and consequences can have the TTIP on regional economic cycles.
Since 2011, I have been working in the political advice and advising political organizations, initiatives and projects on systemic, content and organi-
zational questions.
For the differentiated penetration and constructive solution of complex political topics and questions, I practice the methodology of integral, that is,
of comprehensive, holistic thinking and seeing, in addition to the logical, differentiated, multi-dimensional and constructive thinking and the overall
systemic understanding, also the spiritual or universal functionings and mechanisms of action find application.
Furthermore, I have been writing articles and reviews on systemic questions and topics since 2012 and now and then I give lectures on these issues.
My work pursues the fundamental goal of the development and design of an integral social system that can be in harmony with the whole.
And integral system development means in practice to create the institutional and structural prerequisites so that our lived and everyday thinking can
actually construct and realize the social reality.
That is, it is about a sustainable fundamental renewal of our societal and democratic communication conditions, derived from the deep inside, from the
deep, universal sociality of the human, the ability of selfreference, self-reflection and self-determination.
For this reason, my work follows the task and necessity to arrange the field of tension and the modes of functioning from the human self-reflection to
the interpersonal communication and reflection up to the institutions, structures and rules of a full democratic system, a structural full communicative
society into the practicability.
My work follows the task to develop and to design these necessary conditions constructive for the good of the whole. To an then integral social system,
in which then the spiritual or universal laws in the positive can be activated and reach.
And on the basis of these basic conditions of integral work and of the overall systemic understanding, flow into my development of political contents,
also the spiritual or universal laws and find then in the resulting concrete applicable integral policy their practical expression and their effect.
My special interest and research area is the system change: Which reasons, causes and developments lead to a system change, which forces are
activated or unleashed by a system change and how the transition period develops? And which prerequisites must be fulfilled so that a system change
can be successfully designed and implemented?
And my project work I practice in the consciousness and under the definitions of the social entrepreneurship.
The (unfortunately) necessary explanation and distinction of the terms Integral and Integral Politics:
I am often asked if I am working in my integral work with the teachings of Ken Wilber?
No, I don’t do that!
The terms Integral and Integral Politics are very often falsely linked and equated only with Ken Wilber and his teachings, who and especially his followers
formally occupy these terms, and then only in a very superficial interpretation and improper use.
However, as I have said, this connection and equation is wrong, because the term INTEGRAL is an universal term and in its correct application means
holistic and all-embracing, and that means, also in accordance with the true spiritual laws.
But Ken Wilber's remarks, do not live up to scientific or philosophical standards and even less spiritual and thus universal truths.
His literature does not show that he actually already possesses a true inner spiritual knowledge, that he can still intellectually grasp and penetrate
matter in its entirety and that he can to think constructively in political and philosophical terms.
Exemplary of this are i.a. his "quadrant model", his idea of holons, that are integral systems, but that only capture just two systemically relevant
dualisms and then want to unite them, but in the end they only entangled in an improper way and that thus is from the overall system and integral
consideration impracticable, unfit and not sustainable.
Or the practice application “Spiral Dynamics”, which can not be reconciled with the true spiritual developments laws, with the individual karmic and
life themes, with the karmic functionings and laws, with the actual different individual spiritual development levels, such as on the path to discipleship,
the discipleship itself or the solar initiations, and with the associated individual spiritual tasks and also with the individual knowledge stored in the
causal body and the resulting individual work tasks and ways of thinking, seeing and acting and thus is wrong and which therefore can only be assigned
to the semi- to pseudo-esoteric.
And eminently fundamentally wrong is his understanding of the human soul, which he regards as a non-essential transitional phenomenon, because
in fact it is exactly contrariwise, the soul is the central and necessary instance, without which a personal further development and the further develop-
ment of the Universe is not possible.
Neither does INTEGRAL POLITICS mean to posit or apply spiritual, or as in most cases only half-esoteric, as the sole panacea, as most political parties
and associations with the addition of "spiritual" or "integral" in the name to enthusiastically propagate an one-sided mess of politics and spirituality.
Such an one-sided approach, and this reduction to mainly (semi-)spiritual, is fundamentally wrong in the context of the actual definition and tasks of
integral politics and, above all, not practicable in the overall systemic and therefore doomed to failure in practice.
Because Integral Politics means in practice, the constructive and above all practicable synthesis of earthly, that is, of content, law, institutions, structures
and sociality, that is, of (overall)systemic politics and spiritual or true spirituality, that is, of real inner spiritual knowledge of the actual universal
functionings of the things and contexts, and not of lifeless theories, exclusively of edifying and idle tranquility, fruitless reflections, utopian ideas or ideal
raptures, as unfortunately in most cases spirituality is wrongly understood and wants to be practiced.
If one has decided to seek the help of a spiritual advisor, then is urgent and absolutely to discourage from those who can only enter or contact the
subtle or even astral levels through a trance and / or through drugs!
Because in a trance and / or drug penetration into the subtle levels, one completely separate oneself from the own soul!
And that has the consequence that in the astral levels one can be attacked, abused and deceived by everything and everyone without one even
recognizing and noticing it as such!
One is no longer able to distinguish positive from negative!
Likewise, can then false information be transmitted from the negative, which one then can not be recognized and distinguish as such because of being
seperated from the own soul!
For these reasons, such people are not suitable as spiritual advisors or media, because one can not be sure if their informations and statements are
actually true or just wrong!
My services! >>
Wherever the differantiated, constructive-questioning,
the core of truth-oriented thinking is missing or not practiced,
where the things are not thought to the end,
ideology and power become established in a negative form!
The Theosophy and Spirituality belong together
and condition to each other!
True spirituality, is not to believe in something and not from a theorising out only sayings,
which ultimately remains without consequences,
but an inner knowledge and understanding
or from this knowledge resulting internalized and disciplined thinking, seeing and acting,
which expresses and shows from the inner consequence in the lifestyle in all areas of life!
When feelings and emotions suppress or prevent the thinking,
results inevitably and always negative developments!
THE 7TH CHAKRA, or Crown Chakra / Sahasrara, is sometimes called to as the head chakra.
This chakra is not assigned a symbol per se, but is very often represented as a circle.
Its color is the bright violet, sometimes a white.
In spiritually developed humans, the 7 chakra colors unite in the crown chakra.
At the level of the 7th chakra there is the cosmic energy. The crown chakra is in direct contact with the
cosmos or the "divine" or the subtle (spiritual) levels.
Here, in spiritually developed humans, there is a direct communication with the subtle levels and also
the mediation of universal (spiritual) knowledge.
The topics of this level are awareness, the being in oneself, the enlightenment, the individual (life-)themes
and tasks, and the spiritual development. As well as the involvement with the topic of authority,
with above and below, with the experience of unity with the life and the world, and also with the experiences
with the spiritual functionings, functional relationships and mechanisms of action, with the spiritual laws.
The 7th chakra / crown chakra has the task to supply all sources of energy in the body.
It is responsible for the guidance of the inner soul. Accordingly, it is the "Higher Self".
The crown chakra is assigned to the pineal gland. Her seat is the midbrain.
The Applied Physics has scientifically proven the subtlety and certain effects between
the gross matter levels and developed therefrom usage applications for the general public,
keyword: free space energy.
In the spiritual one speaks of the subtle or astral levels.
As a rule, they are only open to people as a direct space of learning, experience, development
and communication, which, because of their spiritual development, already have direct access
to these levels.
In these levels move all positive and negative spiritual phenomena and beings, such as i.a.
the astral beings (e.g. angels or also devas), the nature ghosts (e.g. gnomes and elves),
demons (these are extremely evil human souls refusing to reincarnate and thus their karma),
the souls of the deceased and also the Masters of the Solar Hierarchy.
In these levels is the overall knowledge of space, time and matter and also of life and existence.
Over these levels function e.g. telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, the ability of sensitive
perception, black and white magic, psychokinesis, spiritual practices such as ritual postures,
so-called paranormal manifestations and communicate the plants and also the souls.
Their effects and functions penetrate and influence all areas of life and developmental levels
of the humans.
So function over and through the subtle levels i.a. the energetic body-soul-mind relationships
such as illness and healing and also the interactions that result from the own (life-)themes,
tasks, approaches and actions, and of course, the karma, the karmic relationships.
The subtle levels!
A visualization attempt of the subtle levels
and their penetration and connection
of mind, energy and matter.
THE THEOSOPHY treats the ancient, ever-existing universal truths, wisdoms and principles of the Universe.
It mediates the true spiritual or universal modes of functioning, functional contexts and mechanisms of action, the spiritual laws.
It describes the forces and powers that are be at work invisible to the human eye in the hidden and in the subtle levels.
Contents and themes of the Theosophy are the energetic connections between the individual planets and galaxies, which purpose these forces have
and which overall goal these forces follow. It is about the nature of all being: the earth, the nature of the animals and plants and, above all, the nature
of the human (keyword: the seven-rayedness of the human).
The Theosophy illustrates why and how everything is interrelated, interconnected and interacting with each other, thus illustrating the cosmogenic
connections, the DNA of the universe. It treats the spiritual development of the human, the different levels of development, the reincarnation and its
connections, the karma and its functions and laws, the paths of spiritual development up to the solar initiations and the tasks and responsibilities that
are each associated with it. The Theosophy shows the work of the Masters of the Solar Hierarchy on the so-called “cosmic plan”: the evolution of the
human and, concomitant with it, the evolution of the Universe.
Spiritually knowing people find again in the theosophical literature their inner, already worked out knowledge and become very much inspired beyond
this already brought knowledge. Likewise, already acquired knowledge and understanding about the universal functionings of the things and contexts
will activated here. Because the transmissions in the Theosophy are the theoretical descriptions and explanations of how true spirituality actually looks
and works in practice.
Significantly responsible for the grounds of the modern Theosophy was Helena P. Blavatsky. Her two main works "Isis Unveiled" and "The Secret
Doctrine" were transmitted to her by Master Kut Humi / K. H., a Master of the 5th initiation. Likewise, she created the term, the art term "Theosophy",
which is composed of the names for the spiritual schools of theology and philosophy, which were relevant at that time.
Additional knowledge has contributed by Alice A. Bailey. Her main works "Initiation" and also the treatises about "Cosmic Fire", "White Magic" and
about the “7 Rays” were transmitted to her by Master Djwal Khul / D. K., also a Master of the 5th initiation.
The theosophical knowledge or the theosophical or even spiritual principles and truths will become in the future more and more important
for the development of new social systems.
„ A circumstance that is manifested in the work of the Masters by their disciples is to be specially shown here, namely:
All the different spirit schools which are promoted by the forces of the Masters have in this case been founded by one
or more disciples (that are the students of the Masters). And these, not the Masters, are responsible for the successes
or failures and the consequent karma.
[…] The task of the disciple now is to find the best method to achieve the desired results and to design the plans that
promise the greatest possible success. When this happens, he comes forward with his plan, founds a community
or organization, and spreads the necessary teaching.
On him (the disciple) lies the responsibility of selecting the right employees, to transfer the work to the most suitable
and for the teaching in a dignified robe.
Everything what the Master contributes to this is a benevolent share in the aspirations. This lasts as long as the
aspirations preserve their initial high ideals and continue with pure selflessness.
It is not the Master who is to blame when the disciple shows a lack of judgment in the choice of his associates or is
incapable of proclaiming the (spiritual) truth.
However, if his work is good, and if the work goes as desired, then the Master will continue to bless the effort.
However, if the disciple fails or loses his allegiance to the original direction and disseminates errors of any kind,
then the Master, in all His love and compassion, will pull back the blessing from the disciple's work, restrain His power
and He will no longer revive what deserves to die. „
(Alice A. Bailey: INITIATION - Human and Solar Initiation, published by Lucis / Genf, 1952, -
transmitted by Master Djwal Khul / D. K., a Master of the 5th initiation)
The Theosophy
and spirituality
belong together
and condition
to each other!
How the work of the Masters of the Solar Hierarchy on the subtle levels i.a. shows
and what at the same time describes universal laws for basically every projects:
A HINT: The theosophical literature and also true spirituality in practice, is very often not
understood by spiritually not-knowing people, can’t very often be understood from the inner-life
and is therefore rarely believed and therefore often rejected and fought out from a resulting
negative opposition.
This, of course, is due to the nature of the thing, because when it comes to understanding true
spirituality, it usually requires inner understanding, that is, an already acquired inner knowledge
about the universal functionings of the things and contexts brought into the current life.
This inner spiritual knowledge has been acquired in one’s previous lives, i.a. by recognizing, working
on and resolving their respective (life-)themes and tasks and also their karmic themes and contexts.
And the solving of these life tasks simultaneously brings about a spiritual gain of knowledge
and also a spiritual (further-)development, which stored in the own causal body and because of that,
which one then bring into one’s own next earthly life. The path of spiritual development is very hard,
extremely difficult, and an everlasting work that goes on for many earthly lives!
Because of this, even the idealized descriptions in which the spiritual development work is presen-
ted in a purely edifying light are fundamentally wrong, because they convey a false and illusory
image and conceal the actual (individual) themes and tasks, and especially the adversities on the
(individual) path of the spiritual development.
Equally fundamentally wrong is the notion that is common and implied in many semi-esoteric
writings that an overall spiritual development could in principle be accomplished in one single life.
Spiritually knowing people have always a specific level of spiritual development that correlates
with this spiritual knowledge, and that is always associated with specific spiritual tasks and
spiritual abilities, such as specific sensitive perceptual skills and a direct access to the subtle levels.
A picture of an angel
drawn by an astral-seeing-can artist.
The Esoteric Astrology has i.a. the ability to see and name epochs or eras.
And in this context, it can also designate certain persons who can and should fulfill specific
universal functions in this then epoch.
These persons are equipped with a so-called "generation sign", which exists, so to speak, for all
areas of life.
People with a generation sign are also always equipped with the associated skills and always have
universal tasks that belong to this generation sign.
People with a generation sign become aware of these abilities and the associated tasks at any time
and develop these abilities permanently, because this is an inner and outer way, which one must
go and should also go or also has to go.
A specific generation sign is always awarded only if its abilities are really needed.
And in the present epoch, the generation sign of the so-called REVOLUTIONARY was and is more
often awarded, which means nothing else than that in the current epoch a fundamental system
renewal will take place!
People with the generation sign of REVOLUTIONARY have the ability to design and build a new
and better overall system without lame compromises, because they have been equipped with
this sign with the necessary knowledge and skills.
They have i.a. the ability to distinguish false from right and practicable from unpractical, and also
to recognize immediately half-measures, false doctrines, ideologies and ideological developments
as well as negative power and power developments.
Their task is to build a new and better overall system!
And when the time comes, they will also be recognized and in demand as "real system innovators"
who then actually can do that.
Since 2020 this generation sign is active!
The spiritual figure of the “destroyer”
"Spiritual figures" are people who, in consultation with the Solar Hierarchy, voluntarily perform specific tasks and functions in their current earthly life
on earth. Spiritual figures are then always equipped with the corresponding skills for this work.
Voluntary means, because such a work can of course be accompanied by many personal consequences, which you then unconditionally and without
complaint is willing to wear, because this is then no longer about the “I” or “I AM”, but about the “IT”, about the big whole.
A well-known spiritual figure is the "mother of the company”, whose ability and function it is for all human beings, e.g. in a community, that is,
each and every one of them, giving such as one's own children, the individually needed unconditional maternal love and attention.
Another spiritual figure is the so-called “destroyer”. There are two of this figure, the PEACEFUL ONE and the DESTROYER.
Both are equal, especially in karmic, because both are necessary and needed, because not always the PEACEFUL ONE is also successful, so that at the
latest then the DESTROYER must be active, but here it must be said that usually both working alone, separately and independently from each other.
One of their abilities is to be able to see, recognize and name things which are from an universal perspective wrong.
If they say something is wrong, then it is actually wrong, even if everyone else can not see it or often do not want to see it!
Their job is to identify and then to destroy what is wrong so that something new and better can be built.
The DESTROYER cause no collateral damage and leave no scorched earth, but destroy only what is from an universal perspective actually wrong
and therefore also belongs destroyed.
Especially the DESTROYER, in contrast to the PEACEFUL ONE, is supported in his work of destroying by corresponding spiritual energies, so that the
process of destroying can really be successful and they belong to the so-called "white magic".
Not every "destroyer" has the ability to build something new and better. Because for this it then needs separate abilities, e.g. the abilities they be
associated with the generation sign of the REVOLUTIONARY, or result from the own spiritual development level and the associated inner spiritual
knowledge of the universal functionings of the things and contexts, and / or emerge from the expertise which already acquired in previous lives and
which is stored and retrievable in the own causal body.
As already mentioned on this PDF file >> , the 1st Solar Initiation will only be given at a specific
inner development level and after an intensive examination by the Masters.
At this initiation, as already mentioned, one is given additional spiritual knowledge about the universal
functionings of the things and contexts, which goes far beyond the knowledge elaborated so far.
To this knowledge belongs i.a. also the knowledge about the true causes of the different diseases and the
knowledge about the karmic functionings and laws.
Likewise, at initiation one's own subtlety is greatly refined and which gives additional spiritual abilities,
increased sensitive perceptual abilities, a deeper access to the subtle levels and their information flows
and also a direct and deeper access to the astral worlds.
Also mentioned earlier, the main spiritual task of the first-initiated is the depersonalization.
Only with the knowledge of the first initiation is a real depersonalization possible in the first place, because
in the depersonalization should all, that is, indeed all neediness, sensitivities and affectivities, fears and
egoisms are overcome, but only with this knowledge can one fully and completely recognize and evaluate
them. And only after or even during the depersonalization is one really able to capable oneself in the
selfless and unconditional service for the big whole, especially in the sense of the necessary maintaining
of the spiritual integrity.
The first-initiates are already permanent members or so to speak permanent employees in the Solar
Hierarchy, but are still far from being a Master and are not yet in direct contact with the Masters.
They are in groups or projects the authoritative advisors and mediators of knowledge about universal
functionings, backgrounds, contexts, developments and necessities as well as in questions of content.
Especially in the present time many solar initiates reincarnate, more than usual and even earlier than
actually necessary from their reincarnation cycle, because their knowledge and skills as well as their help
for the work on the upcoming renewal are absolutely necessary.