POLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL BOOKS about systemic functionings, political backgrounds and truths, human and societal deep structures and also about practicable and sustainable systemic alternatives!
Johannes Heinrichs: INTEGRAL PHILOSOPHY - Self-awareness - Politics - Language - Spirituality Johannes Heinrichs, born in 1942, is a German social philosopher and semiotician and after the death of Claude Levi Strauss currently the only one structuralist or systematic and methodological philosopher in Europe. He implanted the term CONSTRUCTIVE THEORY. This is by virtue of thinking today far more resistant to the existing than merely "negative dialectics", the methodology of the “Critical Theory”, which was developed by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno and continued by Jürgen Habermas and which has failed in practice, because a mere criticizing alone, of course, not enough! And more, in spite of very witty and accurate analyzes, the "Critical Theory" did not want. Because what has to follow, are constructive and, above all, practicable proposals for change and the development of sustainable solutions! But that, the Critical Theory can not do, because they does not have the abilities for that! Heinrichs' systematic is based on his epochal discovery of the levels of reflection primarily between the individuals and the resulting human actions, and on the self-development of human reflectivity from the inner reflective life to practical social action, on the methodological reconstruction of these lived reflective contexts. And that means that in addition to the explicit reflection, as with Hegel and Marx, he has also recognized the implicit reflection, which in turn is absolutely necessary in order to grasp and work with the universal sociality of the human. So he has it for the first time developed a systematic that can penetrate, based on a reflection-logical reconstruction method, all structures of the social and human existence. He has thus created the basis for to be able to develop constructive and, above all, practicable solutions for our social systems. And the constructive is today the most critical and revolutionary and therefore in academia and politics the most avoided and feared. And this book here is the compendium of his philosophical work and presents the essence of his previous publications: a rich, consistent, and novel monolithic system defying temptations by the zeitgeist. Starting with an emphasis on reflection as the basis of epistemology, Heinrichs also covers the mind-body dualism in an anthropology chapter, moves on to presenting summaries of his theory of democracy, the reflection-system-theory of Four-segmentation or the Value-levels-democracy, as well as his philosophical semiotics, followed by an outline of structural and integral ontology. An overview of ethical positions in the final chapter proves the fertility of Heinrichs’ theoretical-reflection methods. Standing on the shoulders of Kant, Fichte and Hegel (the German idealism), who began a transcendental (reflexive) and integral, that is, an all-encompassing consideration of all subjects, he has continued and advanced their work consistently, and thus, at the same time, the philosophy reopened for the spiritual contexts. The structuralism, the supreme discipline of the philosophy, which, because of its critical and, above all, constructive potential, in times of the neoliberalism was banished from the academic with the reason that logic and systematics would not work, reaches the next higher level in this book. In sum: This book is a real masterpiece that sets new quality standards for the philosophy! Here an outline of “Integral Philosophy” as PDF file - Diamonds of Integral Philosophy! >>
Shlomo Sand: The Invention of the Jewish People The Judaism is not a people, but only a religion! In the dealing with the history of the Judaism and above all with the Jewish understanding of the people - "the stateless people, the people among the people" - I, even a Jewish religious origin, came to the knowledge that the Judaism is not a people, but only a religion. The Jewish understanding of the people is based almost exclusively on its religion and thus the Judaism is the only religion that has declared itself to a people. But a purely folk-based concept of religion is wrong and, above all, out of date, because a people defines itself far more than just about the religion and its history. The today concept of the people is founded among i.a. to a state territory, to a nation (in the sense of a common cultural region) in which one has to be born, a common ancestry (which does not refer to the blood type, racial or ethnic understanding of ancestry, but the cultural), roots, to a homeland, to the culture, mentalities, traditions, rites and the way of life of this homeland, which, above all, also anthropological go far beyond of purely religious rituals as well as to the native language, with their linguistic peculiarities, expressions, synonyms and dialects. It is based on the political and social system and its history of development and on the history and developments of the own homeland, the own nation, which have shaped a people collectively and across the generations, and with the social issues, tasks and responsibilities that accompany it. A (people) identity, identity membership, an inner identity connection, an inner sense of identity, a national feeling, a national pride, a people's soul, are thus designed in a much more multi-dimensional way and, above all, because of this also with open development possibilities. But an understanding of the people purely based on the religion inevitably and always leads to a religious fundamenta- lism, which in Judaism is getting bigger and stronger. And a fundamentalism also inevitably and fundamentally always requires a counterfundamentalism, that is a spiritual or universal mechanism of action, and that is expressed in anti-semitism in Europe, Russia and the USA. A meanwhile (power-)politically abused term, which is why it should also be called correct, which expresses itself in a hostility to Jews. - But here it must be said that these two fundamentalisms for a long time nourish each other again and again in the negative. - In the political as well as in the societal, such an one-dimensional understanding of identity and people in its logical development promotes racism, fanaticism to fascism, the exclusion of other people and extreme abuse of power, which shows itself in the Judaism in Zionism and especially explicitly in the Israeli politics. These logical and therefore inevitable negative developments also promote the recurring (ethnic) isolation of the Jewish communities from their outer world. That means in the quintessence: As long as the Judaism adheres to this fundamentally false understanding of the people and from this understanding reduced only to religion reclaimed an ethnic special consideration and role (i.a. including within a nation), neither will the anti-semitism be defeated, nor will be able to give peace in the Israeli Middle East war conflicts. These directly conditioned interrelations led me to want to publish an essay, because a discussion about this understanding of the people in the Judaism is necessary and long overdue and must be conducted. My research then led me to this book by Prof. Dr. Shlomo Sand, born in 1946, an Israeli historian and intellectual who teaches at the University of Tel Aviv and that first appeared in France in 2009 and in Germany in 2011. In this book, he explores the question of whether there is a Jewish people and he says "NO!" and thus radically questions the founding myth of Israel. Sand proves, with many historical evidence, that the (Jewish) Bible is not a history and thus a fact book, as claimed by Judaism, but much more than a political-religious pamphlet to promote the Jewish monotheism and to consolidate the significance of Jerusalem as religious center must be considered. He further points out that a mass expulsion of the Jewish population (diaspora) can not be proven either under the Romans or among the Arabs - it simply can not find historical evidence for it - and that the Palestinians have much more Jewish-biblical roots in Israel than the Judaism. And in this context, it is intellectually unacceptable, even if today the non-Israel Jews are referred to as "Diaspora Jews", as is still done in some Jewish circles today. No, these people are just for example French-, German- or Russian-born French, Germans or Russians of Jewish denomination. He shows that the element of Judaism, which connects identity worldwide, is not a common ancestry, not even a common language, because in fact even only a minority of Jews can speak Hebrew, but only the religion is. He also shows that from the very beginning a very large proportion of the international Jewry has consisted of constantly new converts and continues to exist, so that of an original folk body, of a so-called true common blood and thus ethnic Judean / Jewish ancestry, what the Judaism invoked, can not be assumed and never could be assumed. That is why in Judaism the view is more often represented that one is regarded as a "real" Jew, if one belongs at least in the third generation of the Jewish religion or was born as a "Jew". And in the USA, this circumstance led to the official usage of those who speak, the new converts "who profess the Jewish faith" and those who are "born Jews" who "belong to the Jewish faith". And in this context, he also shows that the Jewish religion has been deliberately designed from the beginning to address as many potential converts as possible, and most importantly, to make the conversion itself very easy. His research shows that the claim of the "Jewish people" to the return to his supposedly "historically-ethnically-lawful" homeland of Israel as well as the right to a state of his own is historically unfounded and can not be justified. This book has led to fierce controversy in France and especially in Israel, but these are now over without result and resulting development. A discussion that was not even accepted in Germany and still not accepted. A discussion that remains topical and that Judaism must face. Because without accepting the truth that the Judaism is not a people but only a religion, there will be no (peaceful) solutions in the numerous Jewish and Israeli conflicts! Because a wrongly used, mystified and abused term in the manner described here, and especially the resulting negative developments, set in motion spiritual mechanisms of action that inevitably lead to negative overall developments! A review by Martin Besecke, June 2016 PS: These relationships and developments described here are known in principle in the leadership of the Judaism. But they do not want to clear up or redirect here, because the Jewish power structures and power interests do not allow this. Instead, every effort is being made to maintain the status quo and to create irreversible facts. But such thinking and acting is of course fundamentally never crowned with lasting success!
Amy Goodman: The Silenced Majority - Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance and Hope “Every government is lying - always!” (I. F. Stone) “Politicians tend to be at war with the truth! To show what is true is the job […] of the journalist!” (Hannah Arendt) Amy Goodman, founder, producer and anchorwoman of the global "grassroots" TV, radio and internet channel DEMOCRACY NOW! and laureate of the "Right Livelihood Award", reports in this book of the worldwide numerous resistances, occupations, uprisings and hopes of populations, which were fought by the power elites to a large extent by force of arms and almost completely concealed by the "established" mainstream media. She shows in detail on many examples how the mainstream media, which are actually declared to be independent, become accomplices and allies of the ruling elite and thereby betray their own profession, the journalism, forget their ethos and have lost their right to exist. This book draws its force, energy, integrity, authenticity, and truthfulness from the fact that Amy Goodman still manages to meet her own demands. This is a truly remarkable achievement that most of the alternative media can not match. Annotation: In German-speaking countries, at least I know of no alternative medium that could ultimately hold its own standards and formulated criteria. Many have slipped into the ideological, which of course prevents an objective, factual, comprehensive and above all a differentiated reporting - and some of them exceed the boundaries to conspiracy theories. And such degenerations are for reasons of the necessary maintaining of the intellectual integrity, of course, intellectually unacceptable! Almost all alternative media were founded out of a system-improving style. However, there is often a lack of the necessary knowledge as well as the necessary intellectual abilities to be able to grasp, penetrate and understand (overall) systemic relationships and contexts in their entirety and complexity. This in turn prevents a factual, differentiated and constructive discourse on the practicability and viability of systemic alternatives. Also, this necessary discourse is often denied for ideological reasons, just like in the mainstream media. And therefore, from these causes outlined here, alternative media, as well as the mainstream media, tend to a biased to one-sided reporting as well as to an one-sided and repetitive guest and expert selection based on the own ideological ideas. Taken together, this in turn leads to it that the alternative journalists, just like the mainstream media, are moving in their own elitist and self-contained (ideological) mindset bubbles.
Johannes Heinrichs: Criticism the integral faculty of reason - A philosophical psychology Part I: Grammar of the human awareness assets Part II: Map of the unconscious The universal task of the science is to scientifically prove the spiritual, that is, the universal modes of functioning of the things and contexts and to provide them as knowledge to the humanity so that the humanity can evolve with this knowledge. And to rank to the biggest questions of the humanity: What is the consciousness and how does it work? Is there a subconscious and what is and how does the unconscious then work? What is the consciousness of self? Is there a soul, and if so, how does it influenced the consciousness and control the unconscious? And can these areas be differentiated and distinguished in terms of concepts as well as localized in the human? Johannes Heinrichs is one of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of this planet. Currently, no other philosopher on this world has such a great philosophical knowledge and abilities as Johannes Heinrichs, a knowledge that he has acquired in his previous lives and that is stored and retrievable in his causal body. That is, that in his earlier lives, but certainly in his last life, Heinrichs was a great, a world philosopher, because genius, a great knowledge and an exceptional ability does not just fall from the sky or is simply just given as a gift. No, one have to work hard for this and have internalized as applicable knowledge. And this internalized knowledge is then stored in one's own causal body and never gets lost again in this way, which means that one can benefit from this knowledge in all one’s own other earthly lives and continue building, expanding and developing it from the current state. And in these two books, he begins with the scientific discipline of the reflection theory to derive and to demonstrate scientifically precise the human consciousness and its awareness assets in their universal functionings! These two books impart an understanding of the everyday human consciousness functions, such as perception, thinking, feeling, and intuition as well as so fundamental as the idling of the thoughts and above all, the so-called unconscious and its influence on the consciousness of self. Nothing less than these awareness assets, synonymous with the mental faculties of the human, their localization, their inner and systematic interlocking as well as their modes of functioning are proven and demonstrated in these two volumes. So he demonstrates i.a. that the unconscious is an implicit consciousness that has a reincarnational history, which means nothing else than that the unconscious represents a knowledge which acquired and internalized in previous lives and which stored in the causal body. And in Volume II he goes i.a. to the questions: What is the causal, the astral, the physical, the emotional and the mental body, which functions do these have and how do they relate to each other? Range of subjects that have long been treated in the true spirituality, but to represent completely virgin territory for the science! In addition, in volume II he presents further new scientifically founded theses, with which he is the first scientist to make an advance to further and here also to the actual universal functionings: that the unconscious consists of three independent tribes, which he clearly differentiates in terms of concept and thus, above all, relates to each other, with which he rectifies C. G. Jung, who spoke of a general or universal unconscious, because these three tribes (the implicit consciousness, by Freud also called the preconscious, the physical unconscious and the superconscious), which Jung knew as such, he could not concretely relate to each other, as well as, that the unconscious and the psyche can not be equated, but have to be considered separately from each other, with which he rectifies Sigmund Freud, which emanated only from two tribes of the unconscious, but could not differentiate them fundamentally and therefore also could not clearly relate to each other. This comprehensive presentation, in these two volumes, with these really numerous new scientific findings mean a novelty in the theory of consciousness or in the consciousness research, one of the very major work topics and research areas of the philosophy. In summary, one may quite rightly say that in these two books Heinrichs has found the key to the key of the human awareness assets and mental faculties in a scientific demonstration. A real masterpiece, in which he not only evolved the reflection theory as a scientific discipline evolutionary, but that also demonstrates that the reflection theory is the only science which can capture and describe the universal nature of the human consciousness and its faculties and modes of functioning - in contrast to the materialism! (These two books are sadly only available in German language!)
And here a book in two volumes which proves and points out specific areas of the actual universal nature and functionings of the human with the science of philosophy!